I'll be answering commonly asked questions to clue you in on who I am.
Q: "Who are you?"
A: I'm a 19 year old college student who does art on occasion. My username is FriedNoodlee. People refer to me as 'Fried' or 'Noodlee' for short.
Q: "WTF is this place?"
A: First off, watch your fuckin' language. Second, this is my website! I use this place as my very own nook of the internet. My space if you will. I will probably be using it to upload art, comics, shitposts, what ever sounds fun.
Q: "What's with the dumb cat thing you plastered everywhere?"
A: That is an original character I created 7/9/19. His name is 3i(Yes, pronounced "three-eye"), and he is essentially my mascot OC. He is the face of my art career so to speak. He's a cat... with three eyes.
Q: "Do you plan to do anything with your characters?"
A: I would like to eventually include the majority of my characters in a sort of narrative that I've had brewing in my mind for a while. This will likely pan out as a comic, though I have had ideas for making a game with it.
Q: "Who are you?"
A: Your dementia is tearing this family apart!
Q: "Why is everything made of thorns?"
A: The aesthetic of this website is meant to be reminiscent of the stickerbrush symphony internet checkpoint. It was a specific youtube video where people would comment how their lives were going, and they would update their comments regularly. As if it were a checkpoint in a game to rest at. The actual inspiration for such an aesthetic comes from my fascination with the !nara plant found in the Namib desert. It consists of thorny stalks and spiny melons.